Friday, January 13, 2012

6 Tips for Getting Over Past Failure

Jenna... Stopping in for a tid bit of advise. I am taking an exam in about 40 minutes. Casualty exam... the last two times I took it I missed it by 1 pt. It has me anxious... I just want to get past this. Any advise on how to calm nerves?

1. Breathe - Stop & take 3 centering breaths.

2. Mindfulness - Get to a comfie spot. Put everything out of your mind, but what's actually going on with your senses. Note how you feel... the way you are sitting, what parts of your body are tense... No judgment, just observe... If you have negative thoughts, don't freak out, just notice them...

3. Affirmations - Remind yourself of your worth, your goals & your objectives. Repeat positive statements to yourself. "I CAN pass this test." "I am a successful insurance agent." "I am a huge success."

4. Visualization - Envision yourself passing the test. Think about how you will feel when you pass it. Think about how it will feel to be an insurance agent... Dwell on it with no worries, the sky is the limit in your imagination.

5. Smile - Smiling triggers happiness chemicals throughout your body. The act of smiling has the power to actually make you happier. When you are happier, you tend to be more optimistic. You need to have a positive, confident attitude to succeed and overcome your past mistakes.

6. Exercise - Nothing boosts your spirits like exercise. Get out and move, if all you do is walk around the block, anything you do to get your blood circulating will help unlock toxic emotions and flood your body with endorphins.

7. Release Negative Thoughts - Try to dwell on positive thoughts rather than negative. If you find yourself going down a negative path, start over at #1, breathe, be mindful, affirm yourself, etc... Release negativity from your life by focusing on the positive.

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