Saturday, February 18, 2012


Some people aren't worth the time and effort it takes to build a friendship. It's not that the person is not a worthwhile person, it just means for you, to get your needs met, that person is not worth the effort it will take to accomplish this task.

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are.” CS Lewis

Read more:

It is my right in a relationship to:
Express my opinions and have them respected
Change my mind
Have my needs be as important as my partner’s needs
Not be emotionally, physically, or sexually abused
Not take responsibility for someone else’s actions and words
Choose my friends and/or partner(s) without discrimination or pressure from others
Fall out of love or end a friendship and/or a relationship without fear of negative repercussions and/or violence


Monday, February 13, 2012

Good Articles from Science Daily

Control of Fear in Brain Decoded
Scientists Discover Neural Switch that Controls Fear
Are Fears that Are Seemingly Overcome Merely Hidden

Free Will Takes Flight: How Our Brains Respond To An Approaching Menace

Traumatic Response To Bad Memories Can Be Minimized

he almond-shaped part of the brain called the amygdala – a region associated with processing emotions 

New Understanding Of How We Remember Traumatic Events

Neurologists Should Ask Patients About Abuse: New Position Statement from American Academy of Neurology

Maltreated Children Show Same Pattern of Brain Activity as Combat Soldiers

Sad Dads Spank More, Read Less, Study Finds

Traumatic Experiences May Make You Tough

Sunday, February 12, 2012


"Mindfulness refers to a state of being fully present in the present moment, accepting each moment as it arises. It is a practice and a way of approaching life that encompasses certain attitudes such as acceptance, patience, non-judgement, and compassion for others and for ourselves. Mindfulness is ubiquitous – a natural part of being human – that has been cultivated and practiced for over 2600 years in various traditions around the world. It is nondenominational and can be developed in accordance with one’s own culture, religion, and spiritual beliefs." ~ Mindfulness Institute

Mindfulness Meditation is Rediscovered - Newsweek

Self Compassion

Self-compassion is the act of being compassionate towards yourself, all parts of yourself. So many times, those who are unaware, run over themselves and tear themselves apart. This post is to remind you to be kind to yourself and practice self-care, compassion and kindness. You owe it to yourself. You deserve it.

Self Compassion is about being kind to yourself with perceived inadequacies, failures & suffering. It involves self-kindness & mindfulness.

"Research indicates that self-compassionate individuals experience greater psychological health than those who lack self-compassion. - Wikipedia"

Psychologists are saying now that high self esteem is dangerous (narcissism), and to practice "self-compasion" instead.

How to Increase Self Compassion in 4 Easy Steps
Feelings Inventory
Self Compassion (Wikipedia)